
perception through plants and words

Giving up Coffee for 30 Days March 10, 2010

Filed under: Herbal Medicine,Laughter,Uncategorized — kaleidoscopespirit @ 6:25 pm
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I love these mugs

Coffee is fantastic.  Even after the first sipped assessment of a crappy cup of coffee at a greasy spoon I will enjoy the entire cup.  I like coffee for same reasons I like wine; it’s complicated.   When we get a new bag of beans home I like to wiggle my nose down as far as I can before my face gets in the way and inhale.  And I smell…..fire, dirt, latitude, sunshine, desire, car rides, gratefulness, wood and metal.  Sometimes there are tiny hints of other foods like chocolate and fruit, but those are secondary.  My favorite coffees come from Columbia, hands down, and Sumatra.  Whatever is happening in the soil of these countries makes the quintessential cup of joy for me.

Right now it is the morning of day 3 of the Give Up.  I have chosen to drink a tea of blended herbs in place of my cup of joe.  A no caffeine combo.  So far the mornings are great… I perk up, get my life going and don’t feel deprived.  This blend doesn’t have an exotic aroma.  It smells and tastes like hay that is smiling.  Each herb was chosen for it’s aspects of consciousness that would help to deliver me into my body and know that I am not sleeping anymore.  That’s what we are looking for in our coffee, I figure…”You’re in daytime, baby!”  No more snuggling, snoring, or dreaming you are playing volleyball with butterflies.

When I leave our home the differences show up.  I feel more poetic than potent.  Noon is lunchtime, period.  I don’t crave a second cup of coffee or worry if I have coffee breath.  Sometime between 4 and 7pm each of the past two days I have had a fit of yawing.  This isn’t normal.  Somehow getting these yawns out of the tea equation will mean that I am “off” of coffee.  It’s bench marker #1.  Other markers may include…better sleep?  Remaining calm in the face of opposition?  My whitening toothpaste will actually follow that chart that came on the box?

Glamorous Morning Blend

Here is the blend I am working with for Days 1-7:

Glamorous Morning Tea Blend
Equal Parts
Gingko – Memory and concentration support and increased blood circulation.  Here I am replacing coffee’s sheer velocity with an attempt to rebuild my brain. Gingko has been around for over 250 million years…if I can remember half of that I’ll be thrilled.  Additional attention to circulation is great for me, as I am a constant planner – my brain needs the juice to keep my thoughts rolling.
Eyebright – Optic nerve support as well as the reduction of eye irritants such as swelling or redness.  Hopefully I will be able to start seeing in the dark or stop squinting at my computer.
Mullein Flower & Leaf – Lung support.  Many herbalists use Mullein to help with eliminating congestion in the lungs while a patient is sick or has an ongoing cough.  It also helps us take easier breaths.  I have noticed that after drinking coffee I tend to take shallower breaths – so here I am looking to use my lungs to create more energy within.  As more oxygen gets into my blood stream and my blood is circulating better (thanks Gingko) I should feel more alert, present and steady.  Hmmm, let’s evaluate that on day 7.
Cardamom – I add 3 crushed pods to my blend each morning.  I love Cardamom!  Most herbal books will tell you about how great it is for your stomach.  Personally I find it to arouse curiosity, happiness and an overall feeling of sensualness.  Who doesn’t need that in the morning?

So why give up coffee for 30 days?  Mostly for the challenge.  I like choices more than habits.  The great thing about drinking tea in the morning is that you can blend depending on your mood or what the World already has lined up for you that day.  Have an interview?  Add Mint or Bay Leaves for settling your stomach.  Co-worker saving sick days for a vacation and coughing all over you?  Add Cinnamon, Clove or Echinacea to help support your immune system.

Today will be my first work day without coffee and dealing with customers…stay tuned….